Get ready to grow your business and create enduring value.
This groundbreaking book will show you:
How to identify and clear the roadblocks preventing you from growing
How being satisfied with your current level of success can lead to failure
How to recognize and address inefficiencies and waste in your business
The crucial differences between working IN your business and working ON your business
How to plan and execute strategies that drive growth
Has Your Business Growth Plateaued?
Are You Ready to Breakout And Take It To The Next Level?
Be Among The First To Get This Free Book and Get Ready To Grow Your Business and Create Enduring Value
Learn The 10 Growth Roadblocks That Prevent You From Building Enduring Value.
You are proud of your business and how you have grown it from nothing to over $1M in revenue – and you should be! Very few businesses have reached your level of success. But now you have a choice to make. You can continue to run your business the way you have been or you can make the changes needed to grow enduring value.
Where does the time go??
When you’re busy managing your company day-to-day, you can feel as though you simply don’t have time to do anything else. The phone rings, employees have questions, production has a problem, and you are the one finding solutions. You have meetings to preside over, luncheons to attend, and phone calls to return. Already stretched to the limit, you have little time for thinking seriously about growing your business. You are in good company – it happens to the best of us.
The good news is that you don’t grow a business to $1M in revenue without doing a lot of things RIGHT. This book can help you recognize that within each of those “problems” is an opportunity when viewed from a different perspective.

What happens to cause many business owners to change their perception of their business and their role in the business?

When is it time to take a step back and evaluate if I have the right management team in place?

Why don’t my employees care about my business the way I do?

What is a complacency trap and how can I avoid falling into one?

What does it mean to grow enduring value, and why is that key to cashing out of my business when I am ready to exit?

Meet the Author: Michael Mitchell
Michael Mitchell is Virginia’s trusted authority on growing businesses. He has been helping businesses grow and create enduring value for more than 30 years.
Michael received Bachelor degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University and also received his Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering. Armed with a lot of knowledge about product and process development, he started his first career in big business, designing and producing new products and the associated new manufacturing processes.
After managing a global new product and new business development organization, he left to earn his MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University.
He then started his second career in sales, marketing, and big business management where he had P&L responsibility for a $250M business.
When the entrepreneurial bug bit him, he left the comfort, security, and bureaucracy of big business to start his own company importing a variety of industrial products. In five years, he was able to ramp up that business in a way that attracted the attention of a much larger competitor. He decided to cash out and sold to the larger corporation. He built that business in a way that created enduring value and as a result, he achieved all his goals when he exited that business. He sold it for the amount he needed, he exited when he was ready, and he sold to the buyer of his choosing.
Now, in his fourth career, Michael coaches other business owners to grow their business. Not just their revenue and earnings, but enduring value as well.
In his new book, The Growth Zone, Michael reveals for the first time how to recognize the 10 roadblocks that prevent you from growing enduring value and achieving the success you deserve. Michael has coached a multitude of business owners how to break through to new levels of success, and in this book, he reveals how you can do this as well.
A Personal Note From Michael
“I have known many business owners whose goal was to build their business to over $1M in revenue, but when they achieved that goal, they no longer enjoyed working in the business they built. They had problems with customers who always complained and then paid their bills 60 days late. They had problems with employees who did not care about the company the way they did. Their growth plateaued and everything they tried to keep it growing failed. Cash flow was always a problem, and it seemed like they could never build a cushion for when times were slow. And the promises to cut back from their 60-hour weeks and take a vacation never materialized.
You’ve grown your business by doing a lot of things right. Now learn to recognize that within each of those “problems” is an opportunity when viewed from a different perspective. You can continue to grow your business, but if you ever want to cash out and capture the value you have built you must grow enduring value. The Growth Zone can help you understand how that can be done.”
– Michael Mitchell