Business Appraisal
Do you need a Certified Opinion of Value from an expert?
Are you planning your business exit and you want to double its value in as little as 3 years or less. Do you want to know the fair price range you should expect? Over-pricing a business can be a fatal mistake for many business owners.
Do you want to sell your business now? Covid has impacted all businesses, for many the tough times are over, and its time to cash out.
Are you considering buying a business, and you want to know a fair price range. We have seen buyers grossly overpay for a business and then struggle to pay off their debt.
Our appraisers have been appraising small businesses for over 25 years. They hold the Business Certified Appraiser designation from The International Society of Business Appraisers and are approved to provide appraisals for the Small Business Administration.
Reasons for a Valuation
There are a variety of reasons why a business owner might need a valuation but the most important one is to know where you are right now. You won’t get to where you want to be if you don’t know where you are.

Legal Issues
There are a plethora of legal reasons why you need a valuation. The one we encounter most is when a client needs an opinion of value in partnership dispute or marital dissolution cases involving a business. If you need expert analysis to determine the value of your client’s interest in a business contact us.

Considering an Acquisition
If you are considering buying a business you should know the fair market value of the business. We determine FMV only after we thoroughly understand the financial history, the factors related to enduring value, and the trajectory of the company. We do a large chunk of your analysis during due diligence.

Considering Selling
“Wow! If that is all it’s worth I am going to have to work another 5 years!” We hear the lament from far too many business owners, and it doesn’t have to be that way. The process of building a business with enduring value starts with knowing the value of your business today.